May 18, 2021 5 min read
Marie Kondo leads the way and the trend continues to catch on. Minimalism. Tidying up, clearing out and making space. Getting rid of things that you don't need anyway or that have lain untouched in the cupboard for years can be liberating and sharpen your eye for the essentials. Especially in spring, when the last of the previous year's baggage needs to be cleared away. This is the ideal time for spring cleaning and for thinking about what do I really need in my life?
There are many areas in which minimalism is used. In art, architecture, music, literature and not least in the private setting. Here it stands for an attitude of limiting oneself to as little as possible, i.e. the most important things, in order to have more space and free time and to gain clarity on how to achieve one's goals without much ado.
It is not about asceticism or fasting, consciously doing without things that have become important and indispensable to the individual. Minimalism doesn't hurt, it feels good and once we start doing it, we can't stop. Minimalism maximises our quality time, the conscious enjoyment and time for meaningful activities, free development and independence.
Nostalgic things to which our hearts are attached may of course remain, and for the protection of our society we should not say goodbye to our range of emotions. Minimalism has nothing to do with egocentricity. Humanity and empathy are qualities that should not fall victim to minimalism. In fact, they can even flourish when many unimportant things and relationships are suddenly dropped and we see who or what actually matters to us. However, there are definitely emotions such as anger, rage, envy, etc., whose reduction can be beneficial in our emotional lives. If I get upset every time about certain things or give advice to a friend who is resistant to advice and doesn't put it into practice anyway, minimalism works wonders here. I change my way of thinking, refrain from the agitation and giving advice and I already have strength and energy for new projects and more profitable things.
Minimalism also supports the development of our personality, so to speak. It encourages us to reflect and rethink old habits, patterns and behaviours that have become our own.
In a nutshell, minimalism brings us leisure, clarity, joy and pleasure. It helps us focus, take control of our lives and achieve goals without distractions. We become more mindful of ourselves and experience life more consciously.
Living minimalistically cannot be completely implemented within a day or a week if the change is to permeate all areas of our lives. Starting with small practical things, like the cluttered closet or glove compartment, raises awareness of everyday clutter and ballast in our lives that we get stuck in and carry around pointlessly. In this way, the minimalist idea can gradually take hold in our lives. Throwing things away or breaking off contacts out of a sense of annoyance sometimes leads to a guilty conscience and raises doubts as to whether it is not better to leave everything as it is. Of course, it can be painful to realise that friendships no longer exist or that a lot of valuable free time is lost in pointless smartphone daddling, but the decision to change something about this should subsequently feel consistently positive and right. Starting with cleaning out the wardrobe, the house and the car, to rethinking and letting go of relationships that don't do us any good and friendships that are only kept for nostalgic reasons. Things that we no longer like, that do not bring us pleasure or activities that do not have a specific goal are abolished. Getting rid of things doesn't have to mean throwing them away, but perhaps giving them to someone who can use them, such as a friend or a charitable organisation. Especially with things that are perhaps more difficult to part with, it can be helpful to think that someone will be happy about them and can still benefit from them.
Minimalism can also mean not investing more than is necessary. Getting the maximum out of the minimum. For example, in the field of work, doing everything that is necessary to achieve the desired goals and considering what means are needed to achieve this, but also no more. If our work leads us to give up quality of life and permanently exceed our own limits, this no longer does justice to the minimalist idea. Simply put: too much effort for too little benefit.
If we follow this maxim of minimalist thinking in the long term and check our efforts on the one hand and our results on the other, minimalism can help us in our working life to become more attentive in order to recognise, change or abolish disturbing stimuli or inefficient activities and processes.
The wallet could be the beginning of our minimalist lifestyle if we choose a Slim Wallet and it represents all the things that will change in our lives through minimalism.
We sort out old receipts, magnetic cards, private pictures and whatever else we carry around with us and only have space for the most important things, which we then always have right at hand. We have everything we need and can access it quickly.
As a symbol of minimalism, it accompanies us in everyday life and reminds us how good and easy it feels to get rid of unnecessary things. We thereby gain freedom and lightness.
Their clear design and easy handling make it fun to look at the purse and use it. We realise that we should also simply do many more things that give us pleasure and joy. We also realise that surrounding ourselves with things we find beautiful can make us happy. Just as it can make us happier to part with things that don't match our sense of beauty.
At the same time, it reminds us to carry only what is necessary, because if we lose it, everything that was in it is lost. The Metal Wallet is, so to speak, a symbol for not always playing with full commitment in our lives, but to use our resources and strengths sensibly and in moderation.
Turning life upside down and getting involved in new things can sometimes take energy and effort at first, but it can really be worth the effort, because a minimalist lifestyle can bring about many positive changes. Maybe it is also your way. You can only find out if you try.